Train Your Brain - Your Most Important Muscle

If your working out you've probably decided to follow a low-carb diet to aid in fat loss. You probably, though, weren't expecting the mental fogginess that usually accompanies this type of diet.
Fear not because I will tell you what you need, to train that all important muscle, your brain, which is necessary to get optimal results from you training.
The first key to improving your brain power is to give it a healthy source of fat. Fat is a must to ensure that hormone levels are optimal to keep your body running smoothly. A good healthy source of fat can be found in almonds, because nuts provide a healthy source of dietary fat. To get the maximum benefits that almonds provide, go for almond oil mixed with milk. This combo will especially enhance your memory ability.
Another good choice to enhance brain functioning and muscle building is creatine. Most people take this supplement with some form of liquid carbs because it greatly increases the rate at which it's delivered to the muscle tissue. If you want to supercharge this ingredient, try adding your creatine to apple juice, since it contains acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the brain which boosts it's memory power.
Cut out late night TV watching to give your brain a better chance to effectively think, remember and process information.
You must also try to stress less, and I know that's easier said than done but it's important to keep your brain and memory at optimal levels.
Fasting occasionally helps to clean and detoxify the body, effectively removing the drain on our brain power. It also helps to get rid of negative emotions like anger, worry, and fears which all help to create mental barriers. One day is enough to achieve optimal results.
Mental exercises also go a long way towards keeping your mind and memory sharp. Crossword puzzles and learning new hobbies and skills are good activities to include as mental exercises.
Meditation is a good stress reducer as it helps to lower blood pressure and decrease muscle tension. Which makes it vital to improving your health, your workouts and your memory.
Lastly, including the vitamin B-complex will help to promote healthy thinking. This nutrient is most commonly found in vegetation, whole grains, turkey, liver, potatoes and tuna. It also helps to optimize your metabolism, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone. Stay away from foods high in starch, like white bread, which tends to deplete the vitamin B- complex from the body.
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