Energy Enhancement Meditation And The Kundalini Kriyas Of Kriya Yoga
The 5 Elementary Circulations Of The Ki Of Taoism Are The Same Meditations As Taught In This one initiation, the Same Guided Meditation as this Advanced Technique of Energy Enhancement has been symbolised in many cultures.
For example, the Alchemical Meditations of Hermes Trismegistus and the Emerald tablet and the Kundalini Kriyas of Paramahamsa Yogananda and Swami Satyananda.
All the Symbols below mean the same Circular Guided Meditation as we have named above.
o The Yin Yang Symbol of Chinese Alchemical Taoism.
o The Circular Broach in the costume of the Zen Master on the left. Zen is the Hybrid of Buddhism and Taoism. Hogen, the name of my Master, Zen Master Hogen means, "Master of the Tao"
o The Reiki Choku Rei Symbol of Reiki.
o The Christian Fishes.
o The Astrological Sign of Pisces.
o The Circular movement of the Sacred Flame in Hindu Arati. The picture left is of the evening Arati Ceremony at the Sacred City of Haridwar taken by the Directors of Energy Enhancement on one of their India Tours.
o The Zen Circle.
o The Chinese Taoist, Circular Doorways.
o The Circular Sacred Thread traditionally worn around the body, over the shoulder and around the genitals, by the Hindu Brahmins who are Brahmacharya, celibate and working under the tutelage of a Guru.
o When the circulation of the energies, the Microcosmic Orbit, the Macrocosmic Orbit starts to function then the higher attachment of the Soul and higher starts to control all lower attachments.
o The Hindu Swastika
o The Worm (Kundalini Dragon, Salamander) Orobouros which encircles the World of Norse Culture.
All the symbols Above are describing Energy Enhancement Initiation 2 - The Circulation Of The Energies or the Taoist Microcosmic Orbit.
These are the Kundalini Kriyas and The Five Elemental paths of the Chi of the Taoist masters, comprising Initiations 1-4 of Energy Enhancement.
The Kundalini Kriyas and The Five Elemental paths of the Chi of the Taoist masters, like Energy Enhancement, gives the Hidden Taoist Secrets of the Microcosmic AND the Macrocosmic Orbit
These symbols symbolise how to clean all the Chakras through a guided meditation. Helping all parts of the mind including the Unconscious, to become more calm and still.
"To remove the stones in the path of the watercourse. To remove blockages to the flow of your energy" A description of Samyama or Energy Enhancement from the 5000 years old Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the source of Raja Yoga.
The Kundalini Kriyas and The Five Elemental paths of the Chi of the Taoist masters, like Energy Enhancement, teaches how to cleanse the psychic body so that our psyche becomes sensitive and our energy more powerful.
The Kundalini Kriyas and The Five Elemental paths of the Chi of the Taoist masters, like Energy Enhancement, strengthens the psychic circuits and decreases the resistance to the flow of Energy. It helps to build the psychic body, as Gurdjieff called it, "The Body Kesdjian".
The Kundalini Kriyas and The Five Elemental paths of the Chi of the Taoist masters, like Energy Enhancement, are guided meditations to increase sensitivity to energies is given in the next Initiation of the techniques of Energy Enhancement- "The Grounding of Negative Energies." - the Earth Path of the Five Elemental Pathways of the Qi.
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