Get Deep Rest Now: A Commitment to Boundless Leadership
"I didn't realise how emotional it could get in the boardroom." This was one of the salient comments from a participant on the Rice Industry's Established Leaders Program. The group had just completed a high pressure mock board scenario where the issues were convoluted and an injected crisis highlighted just how critical a director's role is in a company. They were exhausted. While the program focused on governance, it spoke to the bigger commitment in leadership, and to Boundless Leadership in particular heartfulness meditation near me . Boundless Leadership is the relentless pursuit of a better future. It means more impact and less struggle. The 'less struggle' is the part that many crave and sadly fall short. It became clear to the participants that a Board Director's role has huge ramifications for the company, its staff, and all the people it serves. The Hayne's report and the many banking leader heads it has taken, and will likely take, in...